Hello! My name is Kristin Darcy. I am a coach for parents of teens to help them become the clear, confident and consistent influential support their teens need during this pivotal stage.

I am a CRAFT (Community Reinforcement and Family Training) informed cIinician for families who have a teen who is using substances. I am also a Certified Positive Discipline Parent Educator and a trained Positive Discipline Parent Coach.

I have a background in Clinical Social Work and worked as a therapist working primarily with children and families experiencing grief and trauma. Most importantly though, I am a mom to 3 teenagers myself!!!

When my oldest became a teen, I suddenly found myself not knowing how to handle challenges that came our way. Parenting tools I had always relied on suddenly became ineffective. My teen and I were getting into power struggles constantly and I felt lost in how to navigate this new phase of parenting and how to best support my child and deal with my own emotions. 

The true wake- up call came in the Fall of 2021 after my oldest shared with us, that they had been a victim of an assault the previous spring, but did not tell us until that fall, because they were worried about how we would react and didn't want to upset us. To be clear, they did not tell us because they did something, they did not tell us because of how WE had shown up for smaller things. At that moment I knew that I had to make changes. I would have to live with the regret that my child had to go through something so difficult alone and I could never get that time back, but I could make sure they never felt that way ever again. 

My decision to work with a Positive Discipline Parent Coach and CRAFT Clinician was the best decision I ever made.

I found HOPE in improving my relationship with my teen and effectively helping them navigate their substance use which they were doing to cope with their trauma and anxiety.

Once we figured out the "why" for their use, the tools my coaches provided me with helped me how to connect and communicate positively with my teen, which over time, allowed me to become an influential tool in helping them navigate their relationship with their substance use and other challenges that they were navigating including ADHD and PTSD.

In addition to helping my teen navigate their use and mental health struggles, I truly believe my relationship with my teens and our family are where they are because of the invaluable tools I learned and the support and encouragement I received.

I decided after our experience that I wanted to help other parents of teens, in the hope that I could make sure other teens didn't have to suffer in silence.  I hope you will consider working with me and allow me the privilege of walking along side this journey of parenting your teen with you!