You are ready to learn how to become the clear, confident and consistent influential support your teen needs during this pivotal stage...
I'm here to support and guide you every step of the way!
What happens in the sessions:
-Advice tailored to your specific situation!
-Support from someone who REALLY GETS IT!
-A strategy that works
-We will strategically tailor and navigate each session to your unique
situation and where you are facing challenges.
Private 1:1 Coaching
1:1 Private Coaching Sessions
Investment: $425 for a group of 4 sessions ($75 discount for package)
includes additional beginning information session and wrap-up session with check-ins
available in between sessions.
Book here:
Private 1:1 Coaching
1:1 Private Single Coaching Session
Investment: $125 per one coaching session
Book here:
Parent Session 1:1 CRAFT Coaching for Parents of Teens Using Substances
1:1 Private Parent Sessions
Investment: Package of 3 CRAFT Sessions $315 includes available check-ins in between sessions.
Book here:
Immediate Need Support Session
Private 1:1 Session
$99 for one hour coaching session
If you or your teen are in crisis please dial 911.
This support is for non-life- threatening urgent support needs. If I do not have an upcoming appt available,
please email me directly at
Book here: